Our services:

Routine Exams:

Are your teeth feeling furry?

We offer Routine Exams which include a Comprehensive Examination, Scale & Clean, Fluoride Treatment & Digital X-rays! We recommend having this done every 6-12 months. If it’s been a while since you visited a dentist, book in today!

Sleep Dentistry:

Are you anxious about your dental treatment?

We offer sleep dentistry in a hospital setting. You can go to sleep and have all of your dental treatment completed without even knowing!

Root Canal Therapy:

We know that Root Canal Therapy sounds scary, however we offer this treatment in clinic and can ensure you have a calm and pain free experience.

Cosmetic Dentistry:

Do you want to feel confident with your smile?

We offer a wide variety of cosmetic procedure to help make you feel confident & improve your aesthetics. With things such as whitening, crowns, bridges or veneers, implants & dentures, the list goes on! Book a consultation with us today to see how we can improve your smile.

Do you suffer from headaches daily? 

Are you a snorer?

We may be able to help you with a simple appliance!

Enquire with us in clinic today.

Same Day Emergency Appointments:

We offer same day emergency appointments for that nasty tooth ache so we can get you out of pain & back to your daily busy life.

Orthodontic Treatment:

Do you want to improve your smile?

We can help straighten your teeth by either Braces or Invisalign in most cases. Enquire with us today to see if you are eligible.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions:

Are those wisdom teeth causing you pain?

We specialise in all types of difficult extractions, including the nasty wisdom teeth. We can offer this treatment in chair or under General Anaesthetic in a hospital setting.

Custom Made Mouthguards:

Are you playing a sport this year?

We offer custom made mouthguards that come in a colour and design of your choice. Make sure you are protecting your teeth during any sport that you play!